GAP Insurance

Most of us think our Comprehensive Motor Insurance covers us for any financial shortfall if your vehicle is written off...THINK AGAIN

Gap Insurance will protect you if you write off your vehicle. Your motor insurer may not pay you enough either to settle any finance outstanding on your vehicle or purchase a replacement vehicle. Gap Insurance will ensure that you are not left out of pocket if you have a total insurance loss by covering any shortfall between your insurance pay out and the amount outstanding on the finance agreement.

Over half a million cars are stolen each year, most of these are written off. Add to that the large number of accidents each year and you could be the next unfortunate person to suffer a vehicle write off. A Gap Insurance policy will cover you against financial loss should your car be stolen and/or written off.

To protect against this financial worry you can choose to buy one of the following GAP insurance policies:
Contract Hire Gap Insurance
Vehicle Replacement Insurance
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